Oldest Living Major-League Baseball Players
This list includes every major-league baseball player born on or before 31 December 1930 who is alive. They are listed in order from oldest to youngest.
Players who accumulated fewer than 200 at bats and 50 innings pitched are in normal type. Players with more than 200 at bats or 50 innings pitched are in bold. Players in the Baseball Hall of Fame are in BOLD CAPS.
If you use data from this page, give us credit. This data doesn't compile itself - it is the result of years of research and ongoing maintenance.
Rank | Name | Born | Years of Service | Pitcher? |
1 | Art Schallock | 4/25/1924 | 1951-55 | Yes | 2 | Bill Greason | 9/3/1924 | 1954 | Yes | 3 | Bobby Shantz | 9/26/1925 | 1949-64 | Yes | 4 | Frank Saucier | 5/28/1926 | 1951 | No | 5 | Ed Mickelson | 9/9/1926 | 1950, 1953, 1957 | No | 6 | Jim Willis | 3/20/1927 | 1953-54 | Yes | 7 | Charlie Maxwell | 4/8/1927 | 1950-64 | No | 8 | Bob Kelly | 10/4/1927 | 1951-58 | Yes | 9 | Tommy Brown | 12/6/1927 | 1944-45, 1947-53 | Yes | 10 | Bob Oldis | 1/5/1928 | 1953-55, 1960-63 | No | 11 | Felipe Montemayor | 2/7/1928 | 1953, 1955 | No | 12 | Roy Face | 2/20/1928 | 1953, 1955-69 | Yes | 13 | Billy Hunter | 6/4/1928 | 1953-58 | No | 14 | Gail Henley | 10/15/1928 | 1954 | No | 15 | Bob Ross | 11/2/1928 | 1950-51, 1956 | Yes | 16 | Al Worthington | 2/5/1929 | 1953-54, 1956-60, 1963-69 | Yes | 17 | Don Ferrarese | 6/19/1929 | 1955-62 | Yes | 18 | Joe Margoneri | 1/13/1930 | 1956-57 | Yes | 19 | Vern Law | 3/12/1930 | 1950-51, 1954-67 | Yes | 20 | Bob Lillis | 6/2/1930 | 1958-67 | No | 21 | Bob Speake | 8/22/1930 | 1955, 1957-59 | Yes | 22 | Joe Morgan | 11/19/1930 | 1959-64 | No | 23 | Johnny O'Brien | 12/11/1930 | 1953, 1955-59 | Yes |
Recent Deaths
Name | Born | Died | Years of Service | Pitcher? |
Pete Daley | 1/14/1930 | 8/22/2024 | 1955-61 | No | Mel Held | 4/12/1929 | 7/20/2024 | 1956 | Yes | Hank Foiles | 6/10/1929 | 5/21/2024 | 1953, 1955-64 | No | Carl Erskine | 12/13/1926 | 4/16/2024 | 1948-59 | Yes | Billy Gardner | 7/19/1927 | 1/3/2024 | 1954-63 | No | Larry Miggins | 8/20/1925 | 12/12/2023 | 1948, 1952 | No |